Time for Easter


Has anyone ever gone to the http://www.timeanddate.com site and had a look at the world clock?
Something strange seems to go on when you attempt to set your own timepiece in line with the displayed time. Then refresh the page and low and behold, yes low, the time on your watch is now incorrect?????


Who decides what time is? How can we consider the passing of time without direct reference to an occurrence of some description? Remember the time when the whole of the Yellowstone National Park was aflame, trees in their thousands destroyed. Such a pity and yet what do you think can heal the scars of the earth?
You got it, Time


Woke up this morning and thought to myself ah, time to get up. Made breakfast of the usual cornflakes and decided there was time to get dressed and get out of the house and enjoy the early morning sunlight.
Had to get back home in time for the TV show I am following though.

What is time? Can we make it? Can we save it? Can we use it to think? When we look back was there time to consider? The time it took to compile this, was it wasted? Some may say yes, others will be able to consider a more enlightened path. Join me in the quest for the answers of time.
Can't stop, no time??


Let's say whatever I do has no impact on the future what so ever. Can this statement be true?
If I speak to another and pass on to them a theory, this made or constructed by me from information collected from others over a period of time.
Therefore others thoughts, theories combined are already formed before I exist. I am merely an instrument to pass on the same or modified ideas and rules.
Therefore we are all important in some way to form the future of time itself.


prison term: the period of time a prisoner is imprisoned; "he served a prison term of 15 months"; "his sentence was 5 to 10 years"; "he is doing time in the county jail" What a waste of time one might say