Wedding bells?

These guys were assembling this for one of their mates who would be taking his vows later that week.

This is what I came across at the end of the long boardwalk, Cape Cod USA September 06 Posted by Picasa


Now who would live in a house like this? Posted by Picasa

Notre Dame

Told you I was right at the side of the building.
Interesting perspective would'nt you say? Posted by Picasa

Just down from Notre Dame, Montreal, Canada 06

After leaving the Notre Dame I was amazed to see, just down the road, right up on the roof top Grafitti.
I was standing on the steps I tell ya! Posted by Picasa

With an actual Alien's head?

This was a scarecrow impersonating an alien in a cornfield, on the outskirts of Llandudno, North Wales.
Look at that not a bird in sight, could it be, could it??

Stretched Limo

Stretched Limo
Originally uploaded by degzydelgrano.
This was infact a wedding car for the day and I can tell you there were brides and grooms and families which ever way you turned.
I took it upon myself to capture the families doing their own capturing, if you know what I mean?
Location Montreal City Centre September 06

Cape Cod MA USA

Cape Cod MA USA
Originally uploaded by degzydelgrano.
Well we set off thinking it's only just over there and soon became a boardwalk stat?
The sun was roasting and at the end of it all? It was just a beach, couple of rocks and that was that.

Flume Gorge

The water,s alive I tell e, alive Posted by Picasa

Shaker painting?

This is one of those never ending jobs, still someone has to do it.

This a hydrant, oh yes. But the rusty colours look so good don't you think?
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